I finally got some pictures to put on here! This month and has been busy and great. Riley came home from New York for Gavin's first birthday, and also for mine which was the day after his. I was so glad to see him and so was Gavin. I finished my finals and now just have clinicals at the hospital to get through until my summer break. Then Gav and I will head out to New York to be with Riley for a month!
This ridiculously handsome young man is now one year old. I can't believe how much he has changed and how fast this year has gone by! He is not interested in walking although I know he could if he would let us let go of his hands. He just sits down whenever we try but that's okay with me...I won't have to chase him around! He surprises us every once in a while and says word like "cow" or "tank to" [thank you]. He makes little engine noises when he plays with trucks, which I can't get enough of. We switched from rocking him to sleep to letting him get himself to sleep in his crib and he is finally getting the hang of it.
The most ground breaking news of all... NO MORE BINKY! For anyone who really knows him, he was a total binky baby day and night. I was cruel and took it away because he was starting to throw it (and the fact I still had to get up like three times a night to put it back in for him might have had something to do with it.) It's been tough for him and he still plays with his mouth at bedtime as if feeling for his binky but he is coping really well.
We went to a petting zoo the other day and it was awesome. I'm not so sure if he enjoyed it but I sure did! Here we are with a baby bunny! That is my angel mother who is staying with me during the week to watch Gavin so I can go to school.
He has mastered going up the stairs at my parent's house. Now if we could try and show him how to go down the right way without him screaming! Any tips?
Sorry this one is sideways...I'm not smart enough to figure out how to turn it. He will love this little 4-wheeler Ry's dad and stepmom gave him when we all go out to the desert and ride.
He loved this car he got for his birthday from Riley's mom. It plays some pretty catchy music and he dances all the time to it! He pushes himself around on it too!
His first ice cream cone. A monumentous occasion in anyone's life.
This was Gavin's first haircut!! He didn't like it very much but he sure needed it. This was two days after his first birthday.
Gavin did not like it when Riley was out of his sight so they spent a lot of time playing together.
This was on my birthday. It was the best birthday I've ever had. I was so happy to have my honey home and we just hung out all day together. We went to see Star Trek and I liked it a lot!
Riley is amazing and can make everything better and more fun. He is back out in New York now and is doing really well installing! He is really fast at it which is what they want. He is having fun hanging out with his sister and her hubby and my brother who is also out installing.
This was on Gavin's birthday after he finished demolishing his cupcake. At first he stuck his thumb in it and just stared at it but after I put some of the frosting in his mouth he went for it! We had a nice family barbeque and Gavin (and I) got spoiled with presents.
He will probably kill me when he is older for putting him in such a cutesy outfit but I couldn't help myself.
This was back in April. My dad was fixing a few things around the house for me and Gavin kept stealing all the tools. He is all boy!
All I have left to say is that I love summer!!! I was so sick of the cold. I love the big thunderstorms that come rolling through Logan! I love taking Gavin for walks around the neighborhood. I love the blue skies. I love falling asleep to the sound of crickets. And I especially love waking up to the sound of construction. That's right ladies and gentlemen, there is massive construction taking place in my backyard...literally. They are building new housing directly on the otherside of our back wall, which is only about ten feet from the back of our house. At least Gavin likes to watch all the machines during the day. Well, I think that is every boring detail I have to give. Hope life is treating everyone great!
Wow! I can't believe he is a yr. old, it seems like I just saw him as a newborn at the church in Sandy.
I love the details. I also love the pictures and love your long hair. Love them Worwoods!
Your little boy is soo cute! I hadn't seen him Janelle's shower. What a cute family you have!
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